REASONED SPIRITUALITY: exploring spirituality, the meaning of life, the concept of God.

| PART~1 | PART~2 | PART~3 | PART~4 | PART~5 | PART~6 | PART~7 | PART~8 | PART~9 | PART~10 | PART~11 | PART~12 | PART~13 | PART~14 | PART~15 | PART~16 | PART~17 | PART~18 | PART~19 | PART~20 | PART~21 | PART~22 | PART~23 | PART~24 | PART~25 | PART~26 | PART~27 |

Home to Reasoned Spirituality


New!New guest articles: "Agonizing Over Religions: My Way Out!"; "Why I No Longer Envy 'Born Believers' " (Mar. 26/12)

New!New guest article: "Presence - The Inner Source of Love, Truth and Wholeness" (May 23/11)

New!New guest articles: "Conquering Death: Interview with Selim Aïssel"; "You Have To Be Quicker Than Your Own Mind" (Dec. 5/10) ----

New!New guest articles: "Anarchism: Wild-eyed Radicalism or Just Plain Common Sense"; "Substance of Reality According to the Science of Kabbalah" (Mar. 31/09) ----

New!New guest articles: "Kabbalah - The Root of All Sciences" (Mar. 31/09), "Love" (Mar. 31/09) ----

COMING SOON - Further expansion of the FAQ's section. ---- More resources will be added to the directory. ---- More essays in the future. ----

Average hits per day during December: 6,871
Hits over the past year: 2,807,067


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HOME The entrance page with quick links to almost everything.
NEW INDEX Recent changes to this site
MINDGAMES Exercise for your brain
GLOSSARY Definitions of terms used on this site.
AWARD Nominate or submit a site for the "Sites of Substance" award
POSTERS A few printable anti-Bush protest placards.


COMMENTS contacting the author via email.
GUESTBOOK A place to leave public comments.
ICQ My communications page.
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ABOUT THE QUOTE Background on the featured homepage quote
OTHER QUOTES Interesting quotes pertaining to spirituality
DARKSIDE Some not-so-uplifting quotes from various religions
KJV BIBLE A once-separate web site categorizing scripture.


ABOUT THE ICON A short description of the idea behind the design.
FAQ Frequently, and not so frequently, asked questions.
FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES Reasoned Spirituality defined.


GUEST ARTICLES Interesting writing submitted by visitors.
GUEST ARTICLE GUIDELINES For those wishing to submit something.
OFF-SITE ARTICLE A copy of a short piece I was graciously asked to write.


DIRECTORY of resources for psychology, philosophy, and theology.
LINKS Other interesting places to visit
LINKS2 The award and reciprocal link page


 PART 1 An introduction to Reasoned Spirituality
PART 2 The balance inherent in nature
PART 3 Subdivisions within nature
PART 4 Unity within a species
PART 5 Introducing the concept of God
PART 6 Defining the concept of God
PART 7 The basic instinctive sexual drives that influence behaviour
PART 8 The instinctive nature of morality
PART 9 Overpopulation and moral responsibility
PART 10 An individual's moral obligation for family planning
PART 11 An introduction to Determinism
PART 12 Determinism on a personal level
PART 13 Analysing "Good and Evil"
PART 14 Elements of Crime and Punishment
PART 15 How knowledge relates to belief
PART 16 Materialism, and maintaining individuality
PART 17 Appreciation of our perceptions of existence
PART 18 Dealing with our negative perceptions
PART 19 Relationships and ethics
PART 20 Relationships and ethics (conclusion)
PART 21 Perceptions of death
PART 22 Levels of knowledge
PART 23 Knowledge and genetics
PART 24 Conclusion to the 'Knowledge' series
PART 25 The meaning of life
PART 26 The meaning of life (continued)
PART 27 The meaning of life (conclusion)


On Global Warming 3/09
On Pride and Humility
On Children
On the Material Value of Individuals
On a Few Contemporary Sins
On Homosexuality 5/02
On 2015 - A Speculative Essay 9/02
On Research and Statistics
A Few Observations On Contemporary Psychology 1/04
Comments on the G8 Demonstrations of 2002
Informal Observations On The War 4/03
On The Presidential Election 4/04
The "New World Order" 12/04






Site map indexHomeComments?links to other interesting sites
Part 1:  IntroductionPart 2:  BalancePart 3:  DivisionsPart 4:  Unitypart 5:  Concept of GodPart 6:  Defining GodPart 7:  SexualityPart 8:  Instinctive MoralityPart 9:  Moral Compromise:  ReproductionPart 10: Moral Obligation - reproductionPart 11:  DeterminismPart 12:  Determining Our DestinyPart 13: Good and EvilPart 14:  Crime and PunishmentPart 15:  Belief - fact and faithPart 16: MaterialismPart 17: AppreciationPart 18: Abstract PerceptionPart 19:  RelationshipsRelationships (conclusion)Part 21:  DeathPart 22:  KnowledgeKnowledge: geneticsPart 24: Knowledge (conclusion)Part 25: Meaning of LifePart 26: Meaning of Life (continued)Part 27: Meaning of Life (conclusion)Essays