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Gestalt Theory

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Gestalt Theory - by Max Wertheimer (1924).
Gestalt Theory - by Max Wertheimer.
Gestalt Theory - by Max Wertheimer.
Gestalt Theory - by Max Wertheimer.

Laws of Organization in Perceptual Forms - by Max Wertheimer (1923).
Laws of Organization in Perceptual Forms - by Max Wertheimer.

Perception: An Introduction to the Gestalt-Theorie - by Kurt Koffka (1922).
Perception: An Introduction to the Gestalt-Theorie - by Kurt Koffka.

Principles of Gestalt Psychology - by Kurt Koffka (1935).
Principles of Gestalt Psychology - by Kurt Koffka (1935).

An Old Pseudoproblem - by Wolfgang Köhler (1929).

Gestalt Psychology Today - Wolfgang Köhler (1959).
Gestalt Psychology Today - Wolfgang Köhler.

On Pleasure, Emotion, and Striving - by Karl Duncker (1941).

The Phenomenal-Perceptual Field as a Central Steering Mechanism - by Wolfgang Metzger (1969).

Some Aspects of the Phenomenology of the Personality - by Mary Henle (1962).
Some Aspects of the Phenomenology of the Personality - by Mary Henle.

Theory of Regression in Frustration - by Kurt Lewin (1941).
Theory of Regression in Frustration - by Kurt Lewin.

Gestalt Theory - A Multidisciplinary Journal - Official Journal of the international Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications (GTA). Tables of contents of topical and past issues, editors and advisory board, information for authors.


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