There is one question that is by far, the most frequently asked.
* Can we have some information about the author of this site?
There are no other questions that are "frequently" asked, so this section will gradually be expanded by including a variety of queries that I consider to be interesting. The following are edited excerpts of actual questions and their replies. If you want your name attached to your question, let me know.
Population Issues
* Our closest relative in the animal kingdom use sex for many different reasons. I'm speaking of the Bonobo (Dec. 04)
* I would love if you would be able to recommend me any "must reads" that you have encountered. (May 04)
* Could you expand on our illusion of free will? (Mar. 03)
* I feel as if I'm NOT contributing to the universe as I should... (Feb. 03)
* I would like to know your opinion - Prophecies of Nostradamus: Century 2, Quatrain 62. (May 99)
Political Correctness
* Why not use the more inclusive "humankind" instead of mankind? How would it feel if you replaced the word with "womankind?" (A brief exchange) (May 01)
Quantum Mechanics
Can we have some information about the author of this site?
I resist revealing my gender, race, age, or any other information that may subconsciously bias a person's opinion of the text. Whether we like it or not, humans are conditioned by society to perceive others in certain roles; and I prefer to remain as neutral as possible. [May 1998]Because the short answer as to why I do not include biographical information on the website has failed to reduce the number of inquiries as to my identity, I have written the following long answer:
If I were to say that I held a degree in philosophy, some would say that society has granted me the authority to speak on philosophical matters, while others would see me as a person who lives in the rarefied atmosphere of the intellectual, with no concept of the realities of the working class.
If I were to say that I was a psychologist, some would say that my occupation verifies my ability to analyse the human psyche, while others would be afraid of me, because so many hide their fears and insecurities from the world, and suspect that it shows to those in the mental health field.
If I were to say that I was a theologian, some would say that I have an understanding of religion, while others would say that I am a clergyman in a specific faith, and if it is not theirs, then I am misguided.
The reverse holds true as well: not being one of the above can be construed in positive and negative ways, depending on the reader.Rich or poor, male or female, white or otherwise; everyone sees people in certain preconceived roles. Left to their own devices, my readers generally form their own image of me, which will normally be as one of them.
Do not attempt to read anything into the preceding examples; I think it is safe to assume that I have some knowledge of the social sciences, since that is what I write about.I also follow a long tradition when it comes to writing of spiritual matters. The words, and not the person, are of importance. The ‘Tao Te Ching’ is widely read, yet the true authors are completely unknown (although it is attributed to Lao Tze). Of the hundreds of writers who contributed to the books of the Bible, only 27 of them are known by name. The Vedic literature, the Analects of Confucius, the Buddhist Dhammapada, the Zen ‘Chuang Tzu’, and many other spiritual works were written (in whole or in part) by anonymous authors.
Keep in mind that I do not attribute any mystical or “holy” properties to the authors of the preceding works, and the comparison between my writing and theirs is only that of a shared philosophical/spiritual tone. In ancient times, having the ability to read and write was quite uncommon, and that alone made it more likely that a person’s text would be included in the works of the day. Until recently, all philosophical material had to have a connection to the culture’s deity, otherwise the authors faced grave consequences. Therefore, much has been written that was intended only as examinations of the nature of existence, and the “mystical qualifiers” have led to the inclusion of these essays in the religious books of the period.Due to the nature of what I write, there are a few people who become obsessed with finding me. The stalkers generally express the most altruistic of motives, yet I am uncomfortable with the level of need they exhibit in demanding to get close to me, and with the image they have formed, which too often takes on near-mystical qualities. There are also the handful of fundamentalists who have threatened my personal safety. Although the rare attempts at intimidation have ceased as the website has grown to the point where the text makes it clear that my intent is not to damage any religion, I really do not have the time to deal with hostile, misguided visitors.
There is no great mystery as to my identity. Obviously, in my day-to-day existence, my attempts to aid people with experiencing life in a positive way means that I have personal contact with many individuals. Being active in charitable endeavors, spending time with a wide variety of religious organizations, constantly pursuing opportunities to broaden my education, and past public engagements (although I have not made a television appearance in over a decade) precludes my being a recluse. I do however, prefer maintaining a low profile. A near-destruction of my heart in 1999 (attributed to an unknown virus) caused two significant strokes. My heart has completely recovered, but the strokes interfered with my ability to orally organize words, so I now resist formally speaking to groups until I find a way to compensate for the loss of the related areas of the brain. These developments were certainly a disappointment, being that I had always been a far better public speaker, than a writer. [Dec. 2000] [back to FAQ index]
Copyright 1998 - 2005 B.W.Holmes - all rights reserved (unless noted otherwise). Quotes from ancient literary works do not carry a copyright.