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Institutes of the Christian Religion - by John (Jean) Calvin (1536).
Institutes of the Christian Religion - by John Calvin.
Institutes of the Christian Religion - by John Calvin.

The Necessity Of Reforming The Church - by John Calvin (1543).

Commentaries - by John Calvin.
Commentaries - by John Calvin.
Commentaries - by John Calvin.

A Treatise On Relics - by John Calvin. [PDF]
A Treatise On Relics
- by John Calvin.

On The Freedom of the Will - by Jonathan Edwards.
On The Freedom of the Will - by Jonathan Edwards.
On The Freedom of the Will
- by Jonathan Edwards (scroll down on page).
On The Freedom of the Will - by Jonathan Edwards (scroll down on page).

Treatise on Grace - by Jonathan Edwards.
Treatise on Grace - by Jonathan Edwards.
Treatise on Grace - by Jonathan Edwards.
Treatise on Grace - by Jonathan Edwards.

A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections - by Jonathan Edwards (1746).
A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections - by Jonathan Edwards

Calvinism - Catholic Encyclopedia.

John Calvin - Catholic Encyclopedia.

Calvinism In History - by L. Boettner


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